Ignite Your Super Power


Day 4

Hello Beautiful Soul Sister!!

Welcome to your 5 Day Ignite your super power!

Day 4

The power of verbal vomit! Also known as journaling.
Yes, I know vomit doesn't sound exciting or fabulous in any way but this is a beautiful way to see how you receive your guidance. Your super power will show up in many ways and we are trying to truly hone in on that one gift that seems to be easy for you to receive your divine guidance, this will be different for everyone. So remember there is no wrong way or right way to connect with you power there is simply your way and that is a precious gift because you are a precious gift in the world.

Today is an easy exercise. please have your journal, pen and water ready to do today's prompt. Easy day. I promise you this exercise is very powerful in amplify your power.

Click on the link to watch the video.

Don't forget to reach out if you have any questions.

Sending you so much love and light beautiful one!

Click here for Day 5

Sandra Suarez Dominguez
Creator of : Connecting with your Luminous Inner Wisdom