Sacred Journey
The sacred journey 3Month Program
Hey Beautiful soul! How have you been doing? With the holidays upon us I am sure that
Things are starting to become a bit overwhelming. Are you feeling the pressure?
Yeah I get it!
Once upon a time that was me too.
I had to figure it all out.
I had way too much on my plate and not enough time
I had to have it all in place or it would be chaotic
I was superwoman in my household.
Forget self care what the heck was that??
I had weak boundaries
I was a people pleaser
And so much more. UGHH I’m exhausted just thinking about it! LOL
Can you relate??
Are you exhausted? Need a change? Can’t figure it out? Don’t have enough time?
You can change all of this if you allow yourself to receive the support you need to make it happen.
Yup, you sure can. But guess what?
You have to take the first step. You have to simply decide. To choose whether or not you deserve the support. Yes or No. Don’t you deserve the support you need in your life?
I am so grateful that I chose me in the end. I was committed myself and to following my purpose in this world. Yup, honoring myself through the whole process. I learned to heal my stories, to own who I am in this world AND have boundaries like a mofo!
When you receive the support and honor your sacred journey your life truly transforms.
You learn to see life through different eyes. Through different perspectives. Through the eyes of compassion, the eyes of unconditional love, the eyes of possibilities. You learn that your words have power, that you are more than enough in this very moment to have the life you deserve.In the body that is supporting you through this lifetime.
I created this program beautiful soul to help support you to find another way. To clear your paths and open your mind, soul, heart and spirit to the endless opportunities that are waiting for you. In your personal life, family life, business, love life whatever that is for you.
What will this Sacred Journey consist of?
It will consist of:
~1:1 (3) coaching sessions( 60- 75 minutes) Let’s dive into the issues that are currently present for you, let’s learn why they are there and how to resolve them. Changing your mindset, connecting with your soul and with spirit.
~6 (30- 40 minutes) Akashic energy clearings This is a beautiful way to clear our specific energies , blocks, chords, roots that are stuck with your energetic body and are preventing you from doing what is necessary to move ahead.
~3 Full/New Moon meditations this is a beautiful way to help manifest things into your life as well as release the things, people , situations that are prevalent in your life. Another gorgeous way to connect with Mother Earth, God, your angels and spirit.
~24 hr support for 3 months. This support is everything. This is where you reach out to ask for help, support, to be held and witnessed with whatever is present in your life. We all need someone who can hold space for us in a non judgemental and loving way. That would be me.
~A surprise snail mail gift. Because why not! Who doesn’t love surprise gifts??
and lots and lots of magic!
This is a beta program and I am currently offering this support for $1999 after that the price will go up to $2699 until Dec 12th and then $3333 after that. If you pay in full there is a bonus of a free Live The 4 Divine Goddesses Activation ( valued at $555) This is truly powerful and activates your Queen within! and for added convenience there are also two payment plans available if you need one.
Click here to email me regarding the payment plans.
With the Holidays upon us it reminds us of all the things that we have and have not accomplished for 2019. But 2020 is the Year for you to be aligned to all the amazing things that are meant to happen in your life! So let’s do this!
Choose you! And pave the way for all of those lives you are meant to touch and transform starting with your own. Do it for you. Do it for your family. You deserve the most incredible life ever!
Here’s to you beautiful soul!
Many blessings!
Hello, Beautiful soul! Click here if your ready to begin your journey!