Ignite Your Super Power


Day 3

Hello Beautiful Soul Sister!!

Welcome to your 5 Day Ignite your super power!

Day 3

This is going to be a powerful journey sister! Today we will be connecting with your beautiful divine higher self. This beautiful angel is divine self. She knows why you are here in this lifetime. Getting to know her will help open you up to amplify your super power, help you get connected and manifesting the deepest desires that live deep within your heart space.

So let's get started. Create your sacred space, make it comfortable and inviting. Bring your journal and pen and some water. This will help you as you shift some of the energies as you connect with her.
Also be gentle with yourself and take time to allow these frequencies from this special connection integrate with you through out the day so drink lots of water throughout the day.

Click on the button below so we can get started on this journey!


Please reach out if you have any questions or need further guidance

Sending you so much love and light beautiful one!

Click here for Day 4

Sandra Suarez Dominguez
Creator of : Connecting with your Luminous Inner Wisdom